Embassies of Russia

Abkhazia (Republic of Abkhazia)

Embassy of Russia in Sukhumi
Address: Sukhumi, 103 Lakoba St.
Tel. (840) 2263693, (840) 2260491
Fax: (840) 2265693


Embassy of Russia in Kabul
Address: Afghanistan, Kabul, Dar-ul-Aman Road, Ayub Khan Mena, 7th District
Tel. (9320) 250 00 44 , (9320) 250 00 10 ; +93-798-023-793
Fax: +870-762-743-497
Consulate General in Mazar-e-Sharif Address: House № 37, Moulan Jelalluddin Balkhi Street, Mazar-e Sharif, Balkh, Afghanistan
Tel.+93-799-10-89-58 (Khairaton), +93-799-03-87-57 (Mazar-e-Sharif)
Fax: +998-76-225-51-47


Embassy of Russia in Tirana
Address: DonikaKastrioti Str., 2, Tirana, Albania
Tel. (355) 4-2225-6040
Fax: (355) 4-2225-6046


Embassy of Russia in Alger
Address: Chemin du Prince d’Annam, El-Biar, Alger, Algerie
Tel. (213-21) 92-2614, 92-3139
Fax: (213-21) 92-2882
Consulate General in Annaba
Address: 1, Boulevard Fellah Rachid, Annaba, Algerie
Tel. (213-38) 86-8507, 86-4261
Fax: (213-38) 86-4261

Andorra (Principality of Andorra)

Russian Ambassador to Andorra is concurrently the Ambassador of Russia in Spain.


Embassy of Russia in Luanda
Address: Embaixada da Federacao da Russia, rua H.Boumedienne, 170, Luanda, C.P. 3141
Tel. (244-222) 44-50-28
Fax: (244-222) 44-53-20

Antigua and Barbuda

Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Jamaica.


Embassy of Russia in Buenos Aires
Address: 1021, Capital Federal, Rodrigues Pena 1741, Republica Argentina
Tel. (5411) 4813-1552, 4813-8039
Fax:(5411) 4815-6293


Embassy of Russia in Yerevan
Address: 375015, Yerevan, Grigora Lusavoritcha St., 13A
Tel.(374-10) 58-25-21, 56-74-27, 54-52-18
Fax: (374-10) 56-71-97
Consulate General in Gyumri
Address: 3103, Gyumri, Garegina Nzhde St., 1
Tel. (374-312) 3-72-61, 3-45-33 (542)
Fax: (374-312) 37-261


Embassy of Russia in Canberra
Address: 78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT 2603
Tel. (8-10-61-2) 6295-90-33
Fax: (8-10-61-2) 6295-18-47
Consulate General in Sydney
Address: 7-9 Fullerton Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025
Tel. (8-10-61-2) 9326-17-02, 9326-11-88, 9326-18-66 Fax: (8-10-61-2) 9327-50-65


Embassy of Russia in Wien
Address: Reisnerstrasse 45-47, 1030 Wien
Tel. 0043-1-712 12 29, 0043-1-713 86 22
Fax: 0043-1-712 33 88
Consulate General in Salzburg
Address: Burgelsteinstrasse 2, 5020 Salzburg
Tel. (43-662) 62-4184
Fax:(43-662) 62-1743
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to OSCE
Address: A-1220 Wien, Erzherzog Karl-Strasse 182
Tel. (43-1) 282-5391, 282-5393
Fax:(43-1) 280-5687
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna
Address: A-1220 Wien, Erzherzog Karl-Strasse 182
Tel. (43-1) 280-2762
Fax: (43-1) 280-3190


Embassy of Russia in Baku
Address: AZ1022, Baku, 17 Bakichanova St
Tel. (99412) 597-08-70, 597-44-58
Fax: (99412) 597-16-73

Bahrain (Kingdom of Bahrain)

Embassy of Russia in Manama
Address: 877, Road 3119, 31, Zinj,Manama, P .O. Box 26612
Tel. (973-17) 72-52-22
Fax: (973-17) 72-59-21

Bahamas Islands (Commonwealth of the Bahamas)

Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Cuba.


Embassy of Russia in Dhaka
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, House № NE (J) 9, Road 79, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel. (8802) 988-42-24, 988-93-79, 988-00-11
Fax: (8802) 986-32-85
Consulate General in Chittagong
Address: House № 1, Road № 6, Khulshi R.A., Chittagong, Bangladesh (G.P.O. Box № 1001)
Tel. (88031) 65-4154; 65-41-72
Fax: (88031) 65-4157


Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Guyana.


Embassy of Russia in Minsk
Address: 220053, г.Минск, ул. Нововиленская, д. 1А
Tel. (375-17) 250-36-66, 233-35-90
Fax::(375-17) 233-35-97
Consulate General in Brest
Address: 224005, Республика Беларусь, г. Брест, ул. Пушкинская, д. 10
Tel. (375-162) 23-78-42; 23-44-05
Fax: (375-162) 21-04-73
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to CIS
Address: 220050, Минск, ул. Кирова, 17
Tel. (37517) 222-34-645
Fax: (37517) 222-34-645


Embassy of Russia in Brussels
Address: 66, Avenue de Fre, 1180, Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel. (32-2) 374-3400, 374-5738, 374-6886, 374-1637
Fax:(32-2) 374-2613
Consulate General in Antwerp
Address: 20, Della Faillelaan, 2020, Antwerp, Belgium
Tel. (32-3) 829-1611, 827-0464
Fax: (32-3) 829-0589
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to NATO
Address: 66, Avenue de Fre, 1180, Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel. (32-2) 372-03-59, 374-90-88, 374-90-72, 374-73-23, 374-20-25 (Reception of Permanent Representative)
Fax: (32-2) 513-7649
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the EU and European Atomic Energy Community
Address: 31-33, Boulevard du Regent, 1000, Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel. (32-2) 5512-3610, 502-1791, 502-1868, 375-66-29, 374-6347
Fax:(32-2) 375-85-47


Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Mexico.


Embassy of Russia in Cotonou
Address: Cotonou, Zone Residentielle, Avenue de la Marina, Face Hotel du Port, B.P. 2013
Tel. (229) 21-31-28-34
Fax: (229) 21-31-28-35


Embassy of Russia in La Paz
Address: Bolivia, La Paz, Avenida Walter Guevara Arсe, 8129, casilla 5494
Tel. (591-2) 278-6419
Fax: (8-10-591-2) 278-6531

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Embassy of Russia in Sarajevo
Address: 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 93, Uriyan Dedina str
Tel. (387-33) 66-81-47, 21-09-13
Fax: (8-10-387-33) 66-81-48


Embassy of Russia in Gaborone
Address: Tawana Close 4711, Gaborone, Botswana, P.O. Box 81
Tel. (267) 395-3389
Fax: (267) 395-2930


Embassy of Russia in Brazil
Address: Avenida das Nacoes, SES, lote A, Quadra 801, Brazil – DF, Brazil CEP 70476 – 900
Tel. (5561) 3223-3094, 3223-4094
Fax: (5561) 3226-7319
Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro
Address: Rua Professor Azevedo Marques, 50 – Leblon, CEP.:22450-030, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil
Tel. (5521)2274-00-97
Fax: (5521) 2294-49-45
Consulate General in Sao-Paulo
Address: 1366, CEP 05601-001 Jardim Everest, Sao-Paulo, SP, Brazil
Tel: (5511) 3814-4100, 3814-1246
Fax: (5511) 3034-2950

Brunei Darussalam

Embassy of Russia in Bandar-Seri-Begavan
Address: The Holiday Lodge Hotel, Kg Jerudong, Jalan Pulau Kubu, P.O.Box 555 Sengkurong
Tel. (673) 261-14-13
Fax: (673) 261-14-24


Embassy of Russia in Sofia
Address: Sofia, Dragan Tsankov avenue, 28
Tel. (359-2) 963-1663, 963-0914, 963-0912
Fax: (359-2) 963-4103, 963-4116
Consulate General in Rousse
Address: 7020 Rousse, ul. Nish, 1
Tel. (359-82) 82-22-52
Fax: (359-82) 82-22-50
Consulate General in Varna
Address: Varna, ul. Macedonia, 53
Tel. (359-52) 60-2718; 60-27-21/22
Fax: (359-52) 60-2722

Burkina Faso

Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Cote d’Ivoire.


Embassy of Russia in Bujumbura
Address: 78, Avenue de l’UPRONA, B.P. 1034, Bujumbura, Burundi
Tel. (257) 2222- 60-98
Fax: (257) 2224-32-44


Embassy of Russia in Phnom Penh
Address: 213, Blvd. Sothearos, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
tel. (855-23) 210-931
fax: (855-23) 216-776


Embassy of Russia in Yaounde
Address: Quartier Bastos, Boulevard de l’URSS, P.O. Box 488, Yaounde, Cameroon
tel. (237) 22-20-1714
fax:(237) 22-20-7891


Embassy of Russia in Ottawa
Address: 285 Charlotte Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 N 8 L 5, Canada
tel. (1613) 235-4341, 236-1413
fax: (1613) 236-6342
Consular Division of Embassy in Ottawa
Address: Consular Division, 52 Range Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 N 8 J 5, Canada
tel. (1-1613) 236-72-20
fax: (1-1613) 238-61-58
Consulate General in Montreal
Address: 3685, Avenue de Musee, Montreal, Quebec, H 3 G 2 E 1, Canada
tel. (1-514) 843-59-01, 842-53-43
fax. (1-514) 842-20-12, 843-62-26

Consulate General in Toronto
Address: 175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 801,Toronto,Ontario, M4W 3R8
tel. (1-416) 962-99-11
fax: (1-416) 962-66-11

Cape Verde

Embassy of Russia in Praia
Address: C.P. 31, Achada de Santo Antonio, Praia, Cabo Verde
tel. (238) 262-27-38, 262-27-39, 262-27-40
fax: (238) 262-2738

Central African Republic

Embassy of Russia in Bangui
Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie, Avenue du President Gamal Abdel Nasser, B.P. 1405, Bangui, Republique Centrafricaine
Tel. (236) 61-0311
Fax: (236) 61-5645


Embassy of Russia in N’Djamena
Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie en Republique du Tchad, 2 Rue Adjudant Collin, B.P. 891, N’Djamena, Republique du Tchad
Tel. (235) 2252-57-19
Fax: (235) 2252-31-72


Embassy of Russia in Santiago
Address: Av. Amйrico Vespucio 2127, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Tel. (56-2) 208-62-54, 228-88-43
Fax: (56-2) 208-88-92


Embassy of Russia in Beijing
Address: 100600, Beijing, Dongzhimennei Beizhong str., 4.
tel. (8610) 65-32-2051, 65-32-1381
fax: (8610) 65-32-4851
Consulate General in Guangzhou
Address: КНР, 510623, г. Гуанчжоу, проспектЛиньцзяндадао, №3, здание”ФачжаньЧжунсинь”, 26А
tel. 86-20) 8518-50-01/02/03
fax: (86-20) 3829-6223

Consulate General in Hong Kong
Address: 2106, 21/Fl., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
tel. (852) 2877-71-88, 2877-5024, 2845-5444
fax: (852) 2877-7166
Consulate General in Shanghai
Address: 200080, Shanghai, Huangpu Road, 20
tel. (86-21) 6324-83-83, 6324-26-82
fax: (86-21) 6324-83-83, 6324-26-82

Consulate General in Shenyang
Address: КНР, 110003, г. Шэньян, НаньШисаньвэйлу, 31
tel. (86-24) 2322-39-27; 2322-43-27; 2322-44-08
fax: (86-24) 2322-39-07


Embassy of Russia in Bogota
Address: Carrera 4, 75-02, Apartado Aereo 90600, Bogota, D.C., Colombia
tel. (571) 210-46-94, 807-33-63
fax: (571) 210-46-94, 807-33-63


Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Madagascar.

Congo, D.R.

Embassy of Russia in Kinshasa
Address: 80, AvenuedelaJustice, GombeB.P. 1143, Kinshasa, Republique Democratiquedu Congo
Tel. (243) 0998-743-189
Fax: (243) 09999-75-135


Embassy of Russia in Brazzaville
Address: Avenue Felix Eboue, B.P. 2132, Brazzaville, Republique du Congo
tel. (242) 222 811 923, 055 503 014
fax. (8-10-242) 222 815 085

Costa Rica

Embassy of Russia in San Jose
Address: Apartado postal 6340-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica
tel. 2256-91-81, 2221-16-39, 2221-20-54
fax: 2221-20-54
Consular Division of Embassy in San Jose
Address: Embajada de la Federacion de Rusia, Seccion Consular, Barrio Escalante, de la Iglesia Sta. Teresita, 100 metros al Norte 150 metros al Este, San Jose, Costa Rica
Tel : (506-2) 221-16-39
Fax: (506-2) 221-20-54

Cote d’Ivoire

Embassy of Russia in Abidjan
Address : B.P. 583 CIDEX 3 Abidjan-Riviera, Republique de Cote d’Ivoire
tel.(225) 22-43-03-90, 22-43-09-59
fax: (225) 22-43-11-66


Embassy of Russia in Zagreb
Address: Bosanska, 44, 10000 Zagreb
Tel. (385-1) 3755-038, 3755-039
Fax: (385-1) 3755-040


Embassy of Russia in Havana
Address :5-a Avenida, N 6402, entre 62 y 66, Miramar, La Habana, Cuba
tel. (537) 204-10-85, 204-26-86, 204-26-28, 204-10-80
fax: (537) 204-10-38
Consulate General in Havana
Address: 5-a Avenida esq. a 66, №318, Miramar, La Habana, Cuba
tel. (537) 204-10-74; 204-10-85
fax: (537) 204-10-38


Embassy of Russia in Nicosia
Address: Ag. Prokopiou street, Engomi, Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus
tel. (35-722) 77-46-22
fax: (35-722) 77-48-54

Czech Republic

Embassy of Russia in Prague
Address: nam. Pod Kastany 1, Praha 6 – Bubenec, Ceska Republika
Tel. (420) 233-37-4100, 233-37-1545
Fax: (420) 233-37-7235
Consulate General in Brno
Address: ul.Hlinky 142-b, 60300 Brno, Ceska Republika
Tel. (420-543) 211-617, 211-619
Fax: (420-543) 244-429

Consulate General in Karlovy Vary
Address: ul. Petra Velikeho 18, 36000 Karlovy Vary, Ceska Republika
Tel. (420-353) 221-325, 221-324
Fax: (420-353) 226-261


Embassy of Russia in Copenhagen
Address: Kristianiagade 5, 2100 Kobenhavn O, Danmark
Tel. (45) 35-42-5585, 35-42-5586, 35-42-5582
Fax: (45) 35-42-3741


Embassy of Russia in Djibouti
Address: В.Р.1913 Djibouti, Plateau du Marabout
Tel. (253) 35-07-40, 35-20-51
Fax. (253) 35-59-90

Dominican Republic

Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Venezuela.


Embassy of Russia in Quito
Address: Calle Reina Victoria, 462 y Roca. Apartado 17-01-9738, Quito, Ecuador
Tel. (593) 252-6361, 252-6375
Fax: (593) 256-5531


Embassy of Russia in Cairo
Address: Cairo, Dokki, Giza str., 95, Egypt
Tel. (2023) 748-9353, 748-9354, 748-9355, 748-9356
Fax: (2023) 760-9074
Consulate General in Alexandria
Address: Saba-Pacha, Tag-Roussa str. 9, Alexandria, Egypt
Tel. (203) 583-3534
Fax: (203) 583-2811

El Salvador

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia

Equatorial Guinea

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Asmara
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the State of Eritrea, Zobel St. 21, P.O. Box 5667, Asmara, Eritrea
Tel. (2911) 12-7172
Fax:(2911) 12-7164


Embassy of Russia in Tallinn
Address: 10133 Estonia, Tallinn, ul. Pikk, 19
Tel. (372) 646-41-75
Fax: (372) 646-41-78

Consular Division of Embassy in Tartu
Address: 51003 Tarru, ul. Ulikooli, 1, Estonia
Tel. (372-7) 40-30-24
Fax:(372-7) 40-35-62
Consulate General in Narva
Address: 20307, Narva, ul.Kiriku, 8, Estonia
Tel. (372-35) 60-652, 60-088
Fax: (372-35) 60-654


Embassy of Russia in Addis Ababa
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ethiopia, P.O.Box 1500, Yeka Kifle-Ketema, Kebele 08, Fikre-Mariam Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel. (2511) 61-2060, 61-1828
Fax: (2511) 61-3795


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Helsinki
Address: Tehtaankatu 1 b, 00140, Helsinki, Suomi
Tel. (358-9) 66-18-76
Fax:(358-9) 66-10-06
Consulate General in Turku
Address: Vartiovuorenkatu 2, 20700 Turku, Suomi
Tel. (358-2) 233-64-41
Fax: (358-2) 231-97-79

Consulate in Mariehamn
Address: N. Esplanadgatan11, 22100, Mariehamn, Еland, Suomi
Tel. (358-1) 81-95-24
Fax: (358-1) 81-95-24


Embassy of Russia in Paris
Address: 40-50, Boulevard Lannes, 75116 Paris
Tel. (331) 45-04-0550, 45-04-4030
Fax:(331) 45-04-1765
Consulate General in Marseille and Monaco
Address: 8, av. Ambrois Pare, Marseille, 13008
Tel. (334) 91-77-15-25, 91-76-26-79
Fax: (334) 91-77-34-54

Consulate General in Strasbourg
Address: 6, place Sebastien Brant, 67000 Strasbourg
Tel. (333) 88-36-73-15, 88-36-97-85
Fax: (333) 88-35-34-81
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg
Address: 75, allee de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg
Tel. (+33 0) 388-24-20-15, 388-37-99-22
Fax: (+33 0) 388-24-19-74

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to UNESCO
Address: 8, Rue de Prony, 75017 Paris
Tel. (33) 1 42-12-84-30
Fax: (33) 1 42-67-51-99


Embassy of Russia in Libreville
Address: B.P. 3963 Libreville, Gabon
Tel. (241) 72-4869, 72-4868
Fax:(241) 72-4870


Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Senegal.


Embassy of Switzerland, russian section
Address: 0162, Тбилиси, пр. И.Чавчавадзе, 51
Tel. (99532) 91-24-06, 91-26-45
Fax: (99532) 91-27-38


Embassy of Russia in Berlin
Address: Unter den Linden, 63-65, 10117 Berlin
Tel. (49-30) 229-11-10, 229-11-29
Fax: (49-30) 229-93-97

Consulate General in Bonn
Address: Waldstrasse, 42, 53177 Bonn
Tel. (49-(0)-228) 386-79-31, (49-(0)-228)386-79-30
Fax: (49-228) 31-21-64
Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main
Address: Eschenheimer Anlage 33-34, 60318 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. (49-69) 596-74-503
Fax: (49-69) 596-74-505

Consulate General in Hamburg
Address: Am Freenteich, 20, 22085 Hamburg
Tel. (49-40) 229-52-01, 229-53-01, 229-87-42
Fax: (49-40) 229-77-27

Consulate General in Leipzig
Address: Tutmgutstrasse 1, 04105 Leipzig
Tel. (49-341) 585-18-76, 590-29-23, 564-95-28
Fax: (49-341) 564-95-89

Consulate General in Munich
Address: Maria-Theresia-Straße 17, 81675 Munchen
Tel. (49-89) 592-503
Fax: (49-89) 550-38-28


Embassy of Russia in Accra
Address: Jawaharlal Nehru Rd, Switchback Lane, P.O. Box 1634, Accra
Tel. (233)-30-2775611
Fax: (233)-30-2772699


Embassy of Russia in Athens
Address: 28, Nikiforou Lytra str., Paleo Psykhiko-Athens 15452
Tel. (302-10) 672-52-35, 672-61-30
Fax: (302-10) 674-97-08

Consulate General in Thessaloniki
Address: 5, Dimosthenus str., Thessaloniki 54624
Tel. (30-2310) 25-72-01, 25-76-66
Fax:(30-2310) 25-72-02


Embassy of Russia in Guatemala City
Address: C.P. 01014, 12 calle, 3-40, zona 14, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, America Central
Tel. (502) 23 68 09 79, 23 67 27 65
Fax: (502) 23 67 27 66


Embassy of Russia in Bissau
Address: C.P. 308, Av. 14 de Novembro, Bissau
Tel. (245) 25-1036, 25-1028, 25-1050, (245) 25-10-28
Fax: (245) 25-10-28


Embassy of Russia in Conakry
Address: Matam-Port. km. 9, B.P. 329, Conakry, Republique de Guinee
Tel. (224) 634-05-222
Fax:(224) 304-65-781


Embassy of Russia in Georgetown
Address: 3 Public Road, Kitty, Georgetown, Guyana, South America
Tel.(592) 225-21-79, (8-10-592) 226-97-73
Fax: (592) 27-29-75


Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Nicaragua.


Embassy of Russia in Budapest
Address: 1062 Budapest, V1 Bajza utca, 35
Tel. (36-1) 302-5230, 332-4748
Fax: (36-1) 353-4164
Consulate General in Debrecen
Address: 4025 Debrecen, 1, Aran Yanosh str
Tel. (36-52) 536-926; 536-927
Fax: (36-52) 536-928


Embassy of Russia in Reykjavik
Address: Gardastraeti 33, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
tel. (354) 551-51-56, 561-0659
fax:(354) 562-06-33


Embassy of Russia in New Delhi
Address: Shantipath, Chanakyapuri. New Delhi, 110021, India
Tel. (9111) 2611-0640, 2611-0641, 2611-0642, 2611-0644, 2611-0565, 2687-3800, 2687-3802
Fax: (9111) 2687-6823, 2410-3961
Consulate General in Calcutta
Address: 22A, Raja Santosh Road, Alipore, Calcutta, India 700027
Tel. (9133) 247-97-982
Fax: (9133) 247-93-839

Consulate General in Chennai
Address: 42, Jagmohandas Marg (Nepean Sea Road) Mumbai, 400006, India
Tel. (9122) 2-363-3627, 2-363-3628, 236-77-566
Fax: (9122) 2-363-0403
Consulate General in Mumbai
Address: 42, Jagmohandas Marg (Nepean Sea Road) Mumbai, 400006, India
Tel. (9122) 2-363-3627, 2-363-3628, 236-77-566
Fax: (9122) 2-363-0403


Embassy of Russia in Jakarta
Address: JI. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7, 1-2, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940, Indonesia
tel. (62-21) 522-29-12, 522-29-14
fax: (62-21) 522-29-16


Embassy of Russia in Tehran
Address: Neauphle-le-Chateau street 39, Tehran, Iran
tel. (9821) 6670-1161, 6670-1163
fax : (8-10-9821) 6670-1652
Consulate General in Isfahan
Address: Chahar Bagh Payin street, Masjed-e-Sofretchi, 11, Isfahan city, Iran
tel. (98311) 222-2060; 223-99-51
fax: (98311) 222-0804
Consulate General in Rasht
Tel. (98-131)322-84-30, fax: (98-131)322-84-30


Embassy of Russia in Baghdad
Address: Iraq, Baghdad, Al-Moutanabbi, 605/5/4
tel. (9641) 543-44-62
fax: (9641) 543-44-62

Consulate General in Erbil
tel. +064-750-738-02-76 (моб); (8-10-964-750) 487-22-00 (моб)


Embassy of Russia in Dublin
Address: 184-186 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 14, Ireland
Tel. (353-1) 492-20-48
Fax: (353-1) 492-35-25


Embassy of Russia in Tel Aviv
Address: 120 Hayarkon Str., 63573 Tel Aviv
Tel. (972-3) 529-06-91, 522-67-44
Fax: (972-3) 522-67-13

Consular Division of Embassy in Tel Aviv
Address: 1, RehovBen-Ehuda, Tel-Aviv, 63801, Israel
Tel. (9723) 510-1020, 510-7088
Fax. (9723) 510-1093
Consulate General in Haifa
Address: Halonot Ha-City, Pal Yam Avenue, 2, Haifa, 31000, Israel, P.O.B. 306
tel. (972-4) 866-7551, 866-7552, 866-7556
fax: (972-4) 866-7553


Embassy of Russia in Rome
Address: Via Gaeta, 5, 00185 Roma, Italia
tel. (39-06) 494-1680, 494-1681, 494-1683
fax: (39-06) 49-1031

Consular Division of Embassy in Rome
Address: Via Nomentana, 116, 00187, Roma, Italia
tel. (39-06) 442-34149, 442-35625
fax: (39-06) 442-34031
Consulate General in Genoa
Address: Via Ghirardelli Pescetto, 16, 16167 Genova Nervi
tel. (39-010) 372-60-47, 372-69-04
fax: (39-010) 374-13-61
Consulate General in Milan
Address: Via Sant’Aquilino, 3, 20148, Milano, Italia
tel. (39-02) 487-50-432, 487-05-912
fax: (39-02) 400-907-41
Consulate General in Palermo
Address: via Salvatore Meccio,16, 90100 Palermo, Italia
tel. (39-01) 611-39-70
fax: (39-01) 329-379

Missionof Russia in FAO
Address: Via Gaeta, 5, 00185 Roma, Italia
tel. (39-06) 393-87-185
fax: (39-06) 393-87-185


Embassy of Russia in Kingston
Address: 22 Norbrook Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica, Embassy of Russian Federation
Tel. (876) 924-1048
Fax: (876) 925-8290


Embassy of Russia in Tokyo
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in Japan, 1-1, Azabudai; 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 106-0041
Tel. (81-3) 3583-4224, 3583-5982, 3583-4297
Fax: (81-3) 3505-0593
Consulate General in Niigata
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation, FAI-BIRU, 1-20-5, SASAGUCHI, Niigata, Japan, 950
Tel. (8125) 244-6015, 244-6315
Fax: (8125) 244-6077
Consulate General in Osaka
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation, Toyonaka-shi, Nishi Midorigaoka 1-2-2, Osaka-fu, Japan, 560-0005
Tel. (81-66) 848-3452, 848-3451
Fax: (81-66) 848-3453

Consulate General in Sapporo
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation, 826, Nishi 12-chome Minami 14-jo, Chuoku, Sapporo, Japan, 064-0914
Tel. (81-11) 561-3171
Fax: (81-11) 561-8897

Consulate General in Sapporo (section in Hakodate )
Tel. (81-38) 24-82-01
Fax: (81-38) 24-82-02


Embassy of Russia in Amman
Address: Jordan, Amman, 3-d circle, Zahran street
tel. (9626) 464-11-58, 464-1229
fax: (9626) 464-74-48


Embassy of Russia in Astana
Address: 010000, Astana, ul. Babareva, 4
tel.(8-7172) 44-07-83, 44-07-86, 44-07-89, 44-07-92, 44-07-93, 44-08-01
fax. (8-7172) 44-08-07

Consulate General in Almaty
Address: 480090, Almaty. ul. Dzhandosova, 4
Tel. (7272) 74-50-87
Fax: (7272) 74-71-68
Consulate in Uralsk
Address: 090000, Uralsk, ul. Muhita, 78
tel. (7112) 50-85-21; 51-16-26
fax: (7112) 54-54-04; 50-85-21


Embassy of Russia in Nairobi
Address: P.O. Box 30049, Lenana Road, Nairobi, Kenya
tel. (254-20) 272-87-00
fax: (254-20) 272-18-88

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to International Organisations in Nairobi
Address: P.O. Box 30049, Lenana Road, Nairobi, Kenya
tel. 254-20) 272-87-00
fax: (254-20) 272-18-88

Korea (South)

Embassy of Russia in Seoul
Address: 34-16 Chong-dong, Chung-gu, Seoul, 100-120, Republic of Korea
tel. (82-2) 318-2116, 318-2117, 318-2118
fax: (82-2) 754-0417

Consulate General in Pusan
Address: 89-1, 4-ka, Chungang-dong, Chung-ku, Pusan, Republic of Korea
tel. (8251) 441-99-04, 441-99-05
Fax: (8251) 464-44-04

Korea, D.P.R. (North)

Embassy of Russia in Phyonyang
Address: DPRK, Phyonyang, Chungkuyok, Sinyang-dong
tel. (85-02) 381-31-01
fax: (85-02) 381-3427

Consulate General in Chondjin
Address: DPRK, Chondjin Consulate General of Russian Federation
tel. (85-073) 230-203; 230-402
fax: (85-073) 203-803; 230-803


Embassy of Russia in Al-Kuwait
Address:Kuwait, Al-Kuwait, Daiya Diplomatic Campus, Plot №17, P.O. Box 1765-SAFAT 13018
tel: (965) 256-0427, 256-0428
fax: (965) 252-4969


Embassy of Russia in Bishkek
Address: 720001, Bishkek, Manas prospect 55
tel. (996-312) 61-09-05, 61-08-91, 61-14-32, 61-02-94, 61-04-73
Fax: (996-312) 90-33-84

Consulate General in Osh
Address: Osh, ul. Patricia Lumymby 77
tel. (996-3222) 2-63-04 (дежурный)
fax: (996-3222) 2-60-35

Lao P.D.R.

Embassy of Russia in Vientiane
Address: Thaphalanxay quarter, km 4, Thadeua str., Vientiane, PO box 490, Laos
Tel. (856-21) 31-2219, 31-2222
Fax: (856-21) 31-2210


Embassy of Russia in Riga
Address: LV – 1010, Латвия, Рига, ул. Антонияс, дом 2
Tel. (371-67) 33-21-51
Fax: (371-67) 83-02-09

Consulate General in Daugavpils
Addres: LV– 5403, Латвия, Даугавпилс, ул. Краславас, дом46
Tel.(371-654) 216-44
Fax:(371) 541-14-29

Consulate General in Liepaja
Address: LV– 3400, Латвия, Лиепая, ул. Лиепу, дом27
Tel. (371) 342-25-17, 343-13-93
Fax: (371) 348-63-70


Embassy of Russia in Beirut
Address: Corniche Al-Mazraa, Mar Elias Al-Btina street, Beirut, Lebanon, B.P. 11-5220
Tel: (961-1) 300041
Fax: (961-1) 303837


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Embassy of Russia in Tripoli
Address: 10, Mustafa Kamel str., Tripoli, Libya
Tel: (8218-21) 333-0545, 333-0546
Fax: (218-21) 444-6673, 333-3831 (торгпредство


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Vilnius
Address: Latviu g. 53/54, Vilnius, 2600, Lietuva
Tel: (370-5) 272-17-63
Fax: (370-5) 272-38-77
Consulate General in Klaipeda
Address: K.Donelaiciu g. 21, Klaipeda, 5800, Lietuva
Tel: (370-46) 410-759; 410-761; 410-762; 466-651
Fax: (370-46) 410-760


Embassy of Russia in Luxembourg
Address: Chateau de Beggen L-1719 Luxembourg
Tel: (352) 42-2333
Fax: (352) 42-2334


Embassy of Russia in Skopje
Address: Pirinska 44, Makedonia, 1000 Skopje
Tel: (389-2) 311-71-60
Fax: (389-2) 311-78-08


Embassy of Russia in Antananarivo
Address: B.P. 4006, Ambohijatovo, Ivandry, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
Tel: (26120) 224-28-16, 224-28-27
Fax: (26120) 224-26-42


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russian Kuala Lumpur
Address: 263 JalanAmpang, 50450 KualaLumpur
Tel: (603) 4256-0009 (общий), 4256-7252(протокол)
Fax: (603) 4257-6091


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Bamako
Address: AmbassadedelaFederationdeRussieenRepubliqueduMali, B.P. 300, Bamako, Mali
Tel: (223) 2021-55-92, /2021-51-77
Fax: (223) 2021-9926


Embassy of Russia in Valletta
Address: Antony Schembri Street San Gwann, Malta
Tel: (356-21) 37-1905, 37-1906, 37-1907
Fax: (356-21) 37-2131


Embassy of Russia in Nouakchott
Address: Republique Islamique de Mauritanie, Nouakchott, Rue Abou Bakr, B.P. 221
Tel: (222) 525-19-73
Fax: (222) 525-52-96


Embassy of Russia in Port Louis
Address: P.O. Box10, Queen Mary Avenue, Floreal, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 696-5533, 696-1545
Fax: (230) 696-5027


Embassy of Russia in Mexico
Address: Jose Vasconcelos 204, Colonia Hipodromo Condesa, Delegacion Cuauhtemoc, Mexico, D.F., C.P. 06140
Tel: (5255) 5273-1305, 5516-0870, 516-7633 (посол)
Fax: (5255) 5273-1545


Embassy of Russia in Kishinev
Address: 2004, Kishinev, pr. Shtefan chel Mare 153
Tel: (+3732-2) 23-49-41, 23-49-42, 23-49-43, 23-49-44
Fax: (+3732-2) 23-51-07
Consular Division of Embassy in Kishinev
Address: 2004, Kishinev, pr. Shtefan chel Mare 153
Tel: (373-22) 23-51-10; 23-49-40 (46) (п)
Fax: (373-22) 23-51-09; 23-51-07 (п)


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia. Consulate General in Marseille (France)


Embassy of Russian UlanBator
Address: Enkhtayvanygudamzh, A-6, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia;
почтовый: C.P.O. Box661, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: (976-11) 312851 (приемн.), 327-506 (деж. коменд.)
Fax: (976-11) 327-018
Consulate General in Darkhan
Address: Zaluuchuudyn gudamzh, 13, Darhan somon, Darhan-Uul aimag, Mongolia
Tel: (976-01372) 23-996; 28-951
Fax: (976-01372) 23-406
Consulate General in Erdenet
Address: Erdnet, Orhon aimag, Mongolia
Tel: (976-01352) 73-711, 23-009
Fax: (976-01352) 22-653/4


Embassy of Russia in Podgorica
Address: 81000, Podgorica, ul. Vaka Djurovica, 135
Tel. (382-20) 272-450, 272-460
Fax:(381-81) 272-460


Embassy of Russia in Rabat
Address: 4 km, avenue Mohammed VI, Souissi, Rabat, Maroc
Tel: (212537) 75-3509, 75-3527
Fax: (212537) 75-3590
Consulate General in Casablanca
Address: 1, Rue Soumaya 20100, Casablanca
Tel: (212-522) 25-57-08, 25-18-73, (212) 661-28-81-77 (мобильныйтелефондежурногоконсульскогоработника)
Fax: (212-522) 98-93-57


Embassy of Russian Maputo
Address: Embaixadada Federacaode Russian Republicade Mocambique,
C.P. 4666, Av. V. Lenine2445, Maputo, Mocambique
Tel: (2581) 41-7372 (деж.), 41-9872 (деж.), 41-8478 (секретариат посла)
Fax: (2581) 41-7515


Embassy of Russia in Yangon
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 38, Sagawa Road, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (+ 95-1) 241-955, 254-161
Fax: (+ 95-1) 241-953


Embassy of Russia in Windhoek
Address: 4 Christian Street, P.O. Box 3826, Windhoek 9000
Tel: (264-61) 22-8671
Fax: (264-61) 22-9061


Embassy of Russia in Kathmandu
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, P.O.Box 123, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: (9771) 441-21-55, 441-10-63
Fax: (9771) 441-65-71


Embassy of Russia in The Hague
Address: Andries Bickerweg 2, 2517 JP Den Haag, Holland
Tel: (3170) 345-1300, 346-8888
Fax: (3170) 361-7960
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to OPCW
Address: Andries Bickerweg 2, 2517 JP Den Haag, Holland
Tel: (3170) 345-1300, 346-8888

New Zealand

Embassy of Russia in Wellington
Address: 57 Messines Road, Karori, Wellington
Tel: (644) 476-6113
Fax: (644) 476-3843


Embassy of Russia in Managua
Address: Nicaragua, Managua, Las Colinas, Vista Alegre, 214
Tel: (505) 276-03-74, 276-04-62, 276-01-31 (посол)
Fax: (505) 276-01-79


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Lagos
Address: 5, Walter Carrington Crescent, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
P.O.Box 2723, Marina, Nigeria
Tel: (234-1) 261-22-67, 261-50-22, 261-33-59
Fax: (234-1) 461-99-94
Missionof the Russian Federation in Abuja
Address: Plot 715, Zone AG, 8 Panama Crescent, Maitana, Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: (234)9-413-53-74, 9-413-49-51


Embassy of Russia in Oslo
Address: Norge, 0244 Oslo 2, Drammensveien 74, Den Russiske Foderasjons Ambassade
Tel. (47) 22-55-32-78
Fax: (47) 22-55-00-70
Consulate General in Kirkenes
Address: Norge, 9900 Kirkenes, Postbox 98, Radhusplassen
Tel. (47) 78-99-37-37; 78-99-37-38
Fax. (47) 78-99-37-42
Consulate in Barentsburg
Address: Norge, Svalbard, Barentsburg, Den Russiske Foderasjons Konsulat
Tel. (47) 79-02-17-85
Fax: (47) 79-02-17-85


Embassy of Russia in Muskat
Address: Mascat, Ruwi, P.O.Box 80, postalcode 112
Tel: (968) 24-60-28-94
Fax: (968) 24-60-41-89


Embassy of Russia in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna-4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: (9251) 260-08-11, 260-08-12
Fax: (9251) 260-08-14
Consulate General in Karachi
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation, Plot No. FL-1, Block-4, Scheme-5, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: (92-21) 586-02-65, 586-13-36, 587-57-81 (визы)
Fax: (9221) 586-14-04

Palestinian territories

Mission of the Russian Federation to Palestinian National Authority
Address: Ramallah, Al-Bira, Gemzo compound
Tel: (97-22) 240-09-70
Fax: (97-22) 240-09-71


Embassy of Russia in Panama
Address: Bella Vista, Ave. Manuel Espinoza Batista, Hotel “Crowne Plaza”, Edificio International Business Center (I.B.C.), piso 10, Panama, Republica de Panama
Tel: (507) 264-1408, 264-1635
Fax: (507) 264-1558


Embassy of Russia in Asuncion
Address: Calle Molas Lopez, edificio “Las Lomas”, Barrio Las Lomas, Asuncion, Paraguay
Tel: (595-21) 623-733
Fax: (595-21) 623-735


Embassy of Russia in Lima
Address: Avenida Salaverry, 3424, San Isidro, Lima, Republica del Peru
Tel: (511) 264-0036, 264-0038, 264-1170
Fax: (511) 264-0130


Embassy of Russia in Manila
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Philippines, 1245 Acacia Road, Dasmarinas Village, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel. (632) 893-01-90, 817-54-06 (посол)
Fax: (10-632) 810-96-14


Embassy of Russia in Warsaw
Address: ul. Belwederska, 49, 00-761, Warszawa, Rzeczpospolita Polska
Tel: (48-22) 621-5575, 621-5954
Fax: (48-22) 625-3016

Consulate General in Gdansk
Address: ul. StefanaBatorego, 15, 80-251 Gdansk- Wrzeszcz, RzeczpospolitaPolska
Tel: (48-58) 341-10-88, 341-96-39
Fax: (48-58) 341-62-00
Consulate General in Krakow
Address: ul. Biskupia 7, 31144 Krakow,Rzeczpospolita Polska
Tel: (48-12) 422-26-47, 634-06-66
Fax: (48-12) 422-90-66

Consulate General in Poznan
Address: ul. Bukowska, 53a, 60-567, Poznan, Rzeczpospolita Polska
Tel: (48-61) 841-77-40; 841-75-23
Fax: (48-61) 847-49-97


Embassy of Russia in Lisbon
Address: Rua Visconde de Santarem, 59, 1000-286 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: (351–21) 846-24-24, 846-25-24, 846-24-23
Fax: (351–21) 846-30-08


Embassy of Russia in Doha
Address: P.O.BOX. 15404, Doha, Qatar New Doha (Qatifiya), Area №66, street №804, Villa №4
Tel. (974) 44-83-62-31, 44-83-68-21
fax: (974) 44-83-62-43


Embassy of Russia in Bucharest
Address: Bucuresti, Sos. Kiseleff, 6
Tel: (402-1) 222-3168, 222-3459, 222-3170
Fax: (402-1) 222-9450
Consulate General in Constanta
Address: Constanta, str. Mihai Viteazu, 5
Tel: (40-241) 61-51-68; 61-51-68
Fax: (40-241) 61-89-23


Embassy of Russia in Kigali
Address: 19, Avenue de l’Armee, B.P. 40, Kigali, Republique de Rwanda
Tel: (250) 57-52-86
Fax: (250) 50-33-22

San Marino

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia

Sao Tome & Principe

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia

Saudi Arabia

Embassy of Russia in Riyadh
Address: Saudi Arabia, P.O.Box 94308 Riyadh 11693 Russian Embassy, Al-Wasiti str., Rahmania, bld. 13
Tel: (9661) 481-1875, 481-1801
Fax: (9661) 481-1890

Consulate General in Jeddah
Address: Saudi Arabia, Jeddah 21454, P.O. BOX 15786, Al-Andalus str., 14
Tel: (966-2) 665-92-12; (8-10-966-2) 665-92-55
Fax: (966-2) 665-92-32

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
Address: Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, P.O. box 8154 Jeddah 21482
Tel: (9665) 34597001


Embassy of Russia in Dakar
Address: Ambassade de la Federation de Russie au Senegal, Avenue Jean Jaures Rue Carnot, B.P. 3180
Dakar, Senegal
Tel: (221) 33-822-23-25, 33-822-48-21
Fax: (221) 33-821-13-72


Embassy of Russia in Belgrade
Address: 11000, Beograd, ul. Deligradska, 32
Tel. (38-111) 361-13-23, 361-10-90
Fax: (38-111) 361-19-00


Embassy of Russia in Victoria
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Seychelles, P.O. Box 632, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
Tel: (248) 26-6590, 26-6122
Fax: (248) 26-6653

Sierra Leone

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Singapore
Address: 51, Nassim Road, Singapore 258439
Tel. (65) 6235-1832, 6235-1834
Fax: (65) 6733-4780


Embassy of Russia in Bratislava
Address: ul. Godrova 4, 811 06, Bratislava, Slovenska Republika
Tel. (421-2) 544-14-436, 544-15-823
Fax: (421-2) 544-34-910


Embassy of Russia in Ljubljana
Address: ul.Tomsiceva, 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel. (386-1) 425-68-75, 425-68-80
Fax: (386-1) 425-41-41


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia

South Africa

Embassy of Russia in Pretoria
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 316 Brooks Street Butano Building, Menlo Park 0081, Pretoria, P.O. Box 6743, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa
Tel. (2712) 362-1337, 362-1338
Fax: (2712) 362-0116
Consular Division of Embassy in Pretoria
Address: Consular office, 135 Bourke Street, Sunnyside 0132, P.O. Box 5715, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa
Tel. (2712) 344-4812, 344-4820
Fax: (2712) 343-8636
Consulate General in Cape Town
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation, 2-nd Floor, Southern Life Centre, 8 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
Tel. (2721) 418-3656, 418-3657, 419-56-36
Fax: (2721) 419-2651

South Ossetia

Embassy of Russia in Tskhinval
Address: 373570, г. Цхинвал, ул.Островского, 17
Tel. (997)-4-45-39-60
Fax: (997)-4-45-68-63


Embassy of Russia in Madrid
Address: Madrid, C/Velazquez, 155
tel. (8-10-34) 91-562-2264, 91-411-0807
fax: (34) 91-562-9712
Consular Division of Embassy in Madrid
Address: Madrid, c/Joaquin Costa, 33
tel. (34) 91-411-2957
fax: (34) 91-562-7830
Consulate General in Barcelona
Address: Barcelona, av. Pearson, 34
tel (34-93) 280-02-20, 280-54-32
fax: (34-93) 280-55-41, 204-02-46

Sri Lanka

Embassy of Russia in Colombo
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 62 Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo-7, Sri-Lanka
Tel. (94-11) 257-35-55, 257-49-59
Fax: (94-11) 257-49-57


Embassy of Russia in Khartoum
Address: P.O. Box 1161, B1.A.10, Street 5, New-Extension, Khartoum, the Republic of Sudan
Tel. (249) 183-471-042
Fax:(249) 183-471-239


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Stockholm
Address: Gjorwellsgatan 31, 11260 Stockholm, Sverige
Tel. (46-8) 13-04-41, 13-04-43
Fax:(46-8) 618-27-03
Consulate General in Gothenburg
Address: St. Sigfridsgatan 1, Box 5093, 40222 Goteborg, Sverige
Tel. (46-31) 40-80-84
Fax: (46-31) 40-89-00


Embassy of Russia in Bern
Address: Brunnadernrain 37, 3006 Bern, die Schweiz
Tel. (41-31) 352-0566
Fax: (41-31) 352-5595
Consulate General in Geneva
Address: Rue Schaub 24, 1202 Geneve, Suisse
Tel. (41-22) 734-9083
Fax: (41-22) 740-3470
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Office in Geneva
Address: Avenue de la Paix 15, 1202 Geneve, Suisse
Tel. (41-22) 733-1870, 734-6630, 734-1702
Fax: (41-22) 734-40-44

Syrian Arab Republic

Embassy of Russia in Damascus
Address: Omar Ben Al Khattab str., Adauwi, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, P.O.Box 3153
Tel. (963-11) 442-3155, 442-3156
Fax: (963-11) 442-3182
Consulate General in Aleppo
Address: El Mouhafazat, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic, P.O.Box 1050
Tel. (963-21) 223-24-01
Fax: (963-21) 222-08-56; (8-10-212) 127-47-62


Embassy of Russia in Dushanbe
Address: 734026, Dushanbe, ul. Abuali ibn Sino 29/31
Tel. (992-37) 235-98-27, 235-70-65, 235-09-06, 236-28-24, 236-22-53, 235-27-33
Fax: (992-37) 235-88-06
Consulate General in Khujand
Address: 735706, Khujand, Sogdijskaya obl., ul. Syr-Darjya, д. 21
Tel. (99-23422) 6-46-73; 6-04-11; 4-01-85
Fax: (99-23422) 6-51-43; 6-50-


Embassy of Russia in Dar es Salaam
Address: P.O. Box 1905, Plot № 73, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel. (255-22) 266-60-05, 266-60-06
Fax: (255-22) 266-68-18


Embassy of Russia in Bangkok
Address: 78 Sap Road, Bangkok, 10500 Thailand
Tel. (662) 234-9824, 268-1169
Fax: (662) 237-8488
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to ESCAP


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


There are no diplomatic missions of Russia

Trinidad & Tobago

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia


Embassy of Russia in Tunis
Address: 4, Rue des Bergamotes, El-Manar 1, Tunis 2092, Tunisie
Tel. (216-71) 88-2446, 88-2458
Fax: (216-71) 88-2478


Embassy of Russia in Ankara
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Turkey, Karyagdi Sok. 5, Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Tel. (90-312) 439-35-18; 439-21-22
Fax: (90-312) 442-90-20
Consulate General in Antalya
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Antalya, Park sok, 30, Yenikapi, Antalya, Turkey
Tel. (90-242) 248-32-02; 248-42-81
Fax: (90-242) 248-44-68
Consulate General in Istanbul
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Istanbul, Istiklal Cad, 219-225a, 34430, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel. (90-212) 292-51-01, 292-51-02, 292-51-03
Fax: (90-212) 249-05-07

Consulate General in Trabzon
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Trabzon, Refik Cesur Sok. 6, Ortahisar, Trabzon, Turkey
Tel. (90-462) 326-27-28
Fax: (90-462) 326-26-01


Embassy of Russia in Kampala
Address: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Uganda, Kampala, Malcolm X Avenue, Plot 28, P.O.Box 7022
Tel. (256-414) 345-698, (256-784) 164-181, (256-718) 450-008
Fax: (256-414) 345-798


Embassy of Russia in Kiev
Address: г. Киев, Воздухофлотскийпр-т, 27
Tel. (380-44) 244-0961, 244-0963, 244-0967
Fax: (380-44) 246-3469

Consular Division of Embassy in Kiev
Address: г. Киев, ул. Кутузова, 8
Tel. (38-044) 284-67-01, 284-64-31
Fax: (38-044) 284-79-36$ 284-65-16
Consulate General in Kharkiv
Address: 61024, Украина, г.Харьков, улОльминского, д. 22
Tel. (38-057) 700-00-56, 715-79-97
Fax:(38-057) 706-34-03
Consulate General in Lviv
Address: 79017, г. Львов, ул. К.Левицкого, 95
Tel. (380-32) 244-24-28
Fax: (380-32) 244-25-25
Consulate General in Odessa
Address: Украина, 65009, г.Одесса, Гагаринское плато, дом 14
Tel. (38-048) 784-15-42
Fax: (38-048) 784-15-46

United Arab Emirates

Embassy of Russia in Abu Dhabi
Address: United Arab Emirates, Abu-Dhabi, Shark-9, Khalifa str., № 65,67, P.O. Box № 8211
Tel: (9712) 672-17-97
Fax: (9712) 678-87-31

Consulate General in Dubai
Tel: (971) 4-223-12-72
Fax: (971) 4-223-15-85

United Kingdom

Embassy of Russia in London
Address: 6/7 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W 8 4QP
Tel. (44-207) 229-64-12, 229-7281, 243-14-10, 792-31-42
Fax: (44-207) 727-86-25
Consulate General in Edinburgh
Address: 58 Melville St., Edinburgh, EH3 7HF
Tel. (44-131) 225-70-98
Fax: (44-131) 225-95-87


Embassy of Russia in Montevideo
Address: Bulevar Espana 2741, Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel. (5982) 708-1884, 708-3879
Fax: (598-2) 708-6597


Embassy of Russia in Washington
Address: Consular Division, Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2641, TUNLAW RD., N.W., WASHINGTON D.C., 20007, USA
Tel. (1-202) 939-89-11
Fax:(1-202) 483-75-79; 939-89-19; 939-89-09
Consular Division of Embassy in Washington
Address: Consular Division, Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2641, TUNLAW RD., N.W., WASHINGTON D.C., 20007, USA
Tel. (1-202) 939-89-11
Fax:(1-202) 483-75-79; 939-89-19; 939-89-09

Consulate General in Houston
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Houston,
1333 West Loop South, Ste.1300, Houston, TX 77027
Tel. (1-713) 337-33-00 ext. 309
Fax: (1-713) 337-33-05
Consulate General in New York
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in New York, 9 East 91 Street, New York, NY, 10128, USA
Tel. (1-212) 348-17-17; 348-57-62
Fax: (1-212) 831-91-62

Consulate General in San Francisco
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in San-Francisco, 2790 Green Street, San Francisco, CA., 94123, USA
Tel. (1-415) 292-55-55
Fax: (1-415) 929-03-06
Consulate General in Seattle
Address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Seattle, 2323 Westin Building, 2001 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA., 98121, USA
Tel. (1-206) 728-02-32
Fax: (1-206) 728-1871

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
Address: Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, 136 East 67th St., New York, N.Y., 10065, USA
Tel. (1212) 861-4900, 861-4901, 861-4902
Fax: (1212) 628-0252


Embassy of Russian Federation in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Address: 700015, г. Ташкент, ул. Нукус, 83
Tel. (998-71) 120-35-04, 120-35-02
Fax: (998-71) 120-35-09

Vanuatu (Republic of Vanuatu)

There are no diplomatic missions of Russia. Representational functions are concurrently performed by the Russian Embassy in Australia.


Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to Vatican
Address: via della Conciliazione 10, 00193 Roma, Italia
tel. (3906) 687-7078
fax: (3906) 687-7168


Embassy of Russia in Caracas
Address: Quinta “Soyuz”, Calle Las Lomas, Las Mercedes, Caracas, Venezuela
Tel. (58212) 993-4395, 993-4531
Fax: (58212) 993-6526


Embassy of Russia in Hanoi
Address: 191, La Thanh street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel. (844) 3833-69-91, 3833-69-92
Fax: (844) 3833-69-95
Consulate General in Danang
Address: 22, Tran Phu Street, Danang, Vietnam
Tel. (4-84511) 382-23-80, 381-85-28
Consulate General in Hochiminh
Address: 40, Ba Huyen Thanh Quan street, Hochiminh city, Vietnam
Tel.(84-83) 930-39-36
Fax: (84-83) 930-39-37


Embassy of Russia in Sana’a
Address: Sana’a, Yemen Republic, P.O.B 1087, 26 September str.
tel. (9671) 278-719, (9671) 283-142
Consulate General in Aden
Address: Aden, Yemen Republic, Abyan Beach Road P.O.Box 6001
tel. (9672) 23-27-92; 23-12-42; 23-10-50
fax. (9672) 23-20-36; 23-29-72


Embassy of Russia in Lusaka
Address: P.O. Box 32355, Diplomatic Triangle, Plot № 6407,Longacres, Lusaka, Zambia
Tel. (2601) 25-2120, 25-2183
Fax: (2601) 25-3582


Embassy of Russia in Harare
Address: 70 Fife Av., P.O. Box 4250, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel. +263 (4) 701-957, 701-958
Fax: +263 (4) 795932