Russian citizenship requirements for foreigners

How to get Russian citizenship, process to apply Russian passport!

If you are businessmen, investor, skilled worker, student or professional qualification holder. And wants to apply for Red Russian passport as a foreigner then you should fulfill all Russian citizenship requirements! This article will help you to find each details in full depth about applying for Russian citizenship and get passport of Russia.

Our team of experts have collected the most recent information in the light of 2016 Russian immigration laws. To explain you the complete step by step application process on how to get Russian citizenship, benefits and drawbacks of Russian Passport.

About citizenship of Russia

Before taking start, you should know the full process breakup from first step to last step of applying immigration to Russia. In the below given sections, we will explain all the steps in detail for your better understanding.

  • Temporary Residence Permit ( called “RVP” in Russian language)
  • Permanent Residence Permit (called “Veed na czitelstvo” in Russian language)
  • Apply for Russian Red Passport
Does Russian passport really worth?

Does Russian passport really worth? Benefits of applying Russian citizenship

Russia has opened its doors to everyone who want to work and become the part of Russia’s global progress.

There is one famous opinion from some think tanks about why Russia is very flexible in giving citizenship?

Russia is the largest country in the world with so much natural and material resources. But population of Russia is 1.4 billion. It is not very effective stats for that size of country.

For that reason, Russian Gov is very serious to make their population graph higher. Probably that could be the major reason for so much relaxation in immigration policies of Russia for foreigners

In 2002, Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced  new citizenship act for Russia. The new Russian immigration laws made the process very quick and easy for young students, skilled workers, professionals and business entrepreneurs. To get Russian citizenship, as compared to other countries like UK and US.

Russia has the quieter and less stressful lifestyle. The cost of life in Russia, is very affordable for normal people. As well as, Russia has luxury lifestyle for those who affords. You can afford all the modern facilities in Russia that you can never ever imagine in US or EU!

Here is a list of quick facts about Russian Passport!

  • 105 countries are allowed on Russian Passport. (Visa free or Visa-on-arrival)
  • Russia will appear in the list of top 20 countries of doing Business in world.
  • Students can apply for citizenship process. Every year Russian government open quota of temporary residence. The students can start their Russian citizenship process while studying in Russia.
  • Russian and international banks will give good and flexible loans, for Russian citizenship holders.
  • Russian government giving good health insurance to every citizen of Russia. (It will be only from Gov hospitals but still it is a big benefit )

Does Russia offer dual citizenship for foreigners ?

The answer is “yes”. Russia allows dual nationality to any one. This is reality but on the other side Russia is not the only country who is doing like that. There are many other top countries in the world who are offering dual nationality.

Actually Russia dont have any problem if you are having more than one passport. but any one who is applying Russian nationality , he or she should check requirements of their native country. For example India dont not allow dual nationality so Indian citizens should  first cancel their own nationality in order to apply Russian passport. If you native country will allow you to have dual nationality then you can have both, Russian gov is not against that.

In some people’s opinion it is really not good but on other side there are number of people who strongly believe that there are several benefits of Russian citizenship that  worth more.

There are 2 ways to apply citizenship of Russia as a foreigner !

1-     Russian Citizenship by Birthright/ Descent

This is only applicable if you are yourself born in Russia, or one or both of your parents are Russian nations or USSR citizens.

2-     Russian Citizenship by Naturalization

This is the main section for all the foreigner who want to apply for Russian citizenship. The laws of Russian naturalization covers the categories of Russian citizenship by marriage and Russian citizenship by investment. 

What is Naturalization?

Naturalization is the process by which foreigners can get Russian passport. In Russia, naturalization can be achieved through Marriage, Investment, Business or by having skilled/ professional qualification. The foreigner must get naturalization first, and then apply for Russian Citizenship.

Can I apply Russian immigration from my country ?

The answer is “No”. No one can apply Russian immigration from outside Russia. You need Russian visa to come to Russia first and then you can apply for the process for temporary residence or permanent residence.

Next! is the detailed process for applying for the Russian Passport.

Step – by – Step Process for How to get Russian citizenship

The process of citizenship starts from getting temporary residence in Russia. Then the foreigners can proceed to their application for Russian citizenship.

Here is the simple 3 – steps to understand!

3 steps process for Russian Passport

Note :-  You must have to obtain Russian visa first (must be valid for least 6 months) to apply for the temporary residence for Russia.

Russia does not allow anyone to apply directly temporary residence  from outside the Russian territory . You must have to take visa of any class to fall in first step for Russian citizenship process.

How long does it take to get Russian Citizenship?

You can start your process of getting Temporary Residence Permit, by birthright or by applying Russian citizenship application through naturalization.

Once your process starts, you may get  Russian passport in about 5 to  6 years.

Qualified Professionals get citizenship faster!

This is a special immigration category for Professional experts like engineers, IT experts, medical practitioners, highly skilled workers, etc. Qualified foreigners have a fast track process to get Russian Citizenship.

Russian Citizenship for Qualified Professionals

Skilled labor and professionals do not need to get temporary residence permit for Russia. They can directly get a Permanent Residence Permit and proceed to the Russian citizenship process after that.

Russia’s Ministry of Labor has provided this exemption for the list of 74 professionals: See full list for Professionals who get quick Russian Immigration  



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Step 1- Temporary Residence Permit (ARWYP)

Note: The rule for obtaining temporary residence ship does not apply to the citizens of Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic. The citizens of these 3 countries can directly proceed to get the citizenship in Russia.

Now to fulfill the Russian citizenship requirements, first you must have the permission to stay in Russia.

This is the called the temporary residence permit (TRP). The permit is issued by the office of Russian Federal Migration Service (FMS). TRP is also known as RVP in Russian language. Foreigners can work full time in Russia after getting temporary residence.

Time duration to obtain a TRP:

The applicant get the TRP within 5 – 6 months after submitting the application with all required documents to Federal immigration services. Russian government allows foreigners or stateless person to temporarily stay for the period of 3 years in Russia

How Foreigners get Temporary Residence Permit for Russia?

  1. Temporary residence permit By Marriage:

You can get 100%  TRP or RVP, after getting married to a Russian national/citizen. First, you need to take date for the marriage. Special department in Russia deals with marriage registrations. Normally 30 to 40 days are required to get date for your marriage registration. Soon after getting marriage certificate, you can apply for temporary residence permit  called ”ARWYP”.

  1. Temporary residence permit By Investment 

After launching a company in Russia as a foreigner, you will be eligible to apply for TRP as a director of your own company.You can apply soon after paying taxes on your first 3 to 6 months income. For that you need to show high tax returns against your income.

You can also apply TRP if  you are an employees of Russian registered company. In this case, you can start your TRP application soon after getting salary of your first 3 to 6 months!

  1. Temporary residence permit By Quota System:

Russian Govt. gives special quota every year for specific countries on temporary residence permit “ARWYP”. It normally opens  every year in January by Russian Govt. Different Russian cities have different quota for the foreign nationals willing to apply TRP.

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Dear All!

As I, General director of RIBTTES,  really couldn’t resist myself to write my views specially at that stage of article!

I have been watching Russian immigration policies from last many years. Students always ask us about their future career in Russia after or during studies. I would like to personally suggest all students that they can apply TRP easily for Quota system, which opens every year.

Thousands of students have taken Russian permanent residence through the same procedure. I wish you all best of luck and hope we are educating you properly!

When can you apply for the TRP without the quota?

Following are the special conditions, when you can directly apply for the temporary residence permit without the quota.

  1. If you are married to Russian citizen / national.
  2. If you are born in Russia.
  3. If you were the citizen of USSR Countries.
  4. If your parents are Russian nationals/citizens and they are unable to work. (disable or retired to work )
  5. If you have joined the Russian Military.
  6. If you are part of Russian Govt. Program for assisting the Russians living abroad.
  7. If your Russian born children are younger than 18 years old.
  8. If you are disabled/ retired to work and your child is a legally working Russian citizen.
  9. If your child is Russian citizen/national and he is legally disabled to work.


Laws for the Temporary Residents of Russia

Every person holding TRP of Russia has to follow some rules !

  • Person should have to submit residence proof inside Russia for three years. It is called registration for living in Russia. It is a must document to submit after getting TRP of Russia. If anyone will not do this then the TRP will be canceled.
  • TRP holder needs to be appeared every year to Federal immigration services (FMS), for showing tax returns and residence registration. If some one will not appear in the given timeframe then TRP will be cancelled.
  • The person having Russian temporary residence permit (TRP), can travel outside of Russia freely. But this stay outside of Russia must not exceed 6 months, otherwise his TRP will be cancelled.
  • After TRP , person will also need to obtain a multiple-entry visa valid for three years. This law apply only to foreign nationals who need a visa to enter Russia.
  • Foreigners cannot apply for the extension of TRP period. However after the expiry of TRP, foreigners may either apply for Permanent Residence Permit for Russia or another TRP.
  • A person with TRP can register as an “individual entrepreneur” (a sole business proprietor). Means he can open his own individual company, to do full time business in Russia.
  • After getting a TRP, a person shall acquire a Tax Identification Number (as indicated on a certificate of tax registration)
  • A person with TRP has the exemption from military duties. Or and from the involvement in alternative civil services.
  • TRP holder can join military under a voluntary contract. Or he can work for Russian Armed Forces as a civilian employee.
Next Step is to apply for Permanent Residence in Russia!

Step 2- Permanent Residence Permit (Veed na czitelstvo)

Foreigners having TRP in Russia, has the right to apply for the permanent residence in Russia. Permanent residence permit gives the right to foreigners, to stay in Russia for the period of 5 years.

Permanent residency permit is also known as Veed na czitelstvo  in Russian Language. This is the main document needed by the foreign nationals to pursue for the citizenship of Russia.

However, if you are professionally qualified or skilled worker. Then you can directly apply for the permanent residence permit for Russia, without getting TRP first.

Rights of the Permanent Residents in Russia

Veed na czitelstvo is like a green card in Russia. Veed na czitelstvo is just like a Russian citizenship. You will get all the rights of Russian citizens, after getting Veed na czitelstvo or permanent residency.

  1.  Full time work allowed in Russia. without needing any other legal document.
  2. Change your residence in Russia.
  3. Right to have pension benefits.
  4. Vote to choose the government bodies.
  5. Right of being elected and to take part in Referendums. However, certain conditions may vary, as specified in the Constitution of Russia.
  6. Travel and stay outside Russia for the time of 6 months at max. Your permanent residency will get cancelled If your stay for more than 6 months outside Russia.

Extension in Permanent Residence Permit:

Permanent Residence in Russia is extend-able to unlimited times. Every time for the period of 5 years.

Duration to Apply and Receiving Permanent Residency:

You can apply for Veed na czitelstvo, after 14 months of getting temporary residence (RVP). The duration of getting permanent residence (Veed na czitelstvo) is 6 months after the application.

Conditions to Apply for the Permanent Residency in Russia: 

  1. To be registered at a specific address in Russia.
  2. Must have stayed in Russia, on the status of temporary resident for at least 6 months.
  3. No addiction to drugs and HIV free.
  4. Good in  Russian language, general Russian history and the basics of Russian government structure. ( The foreigners of old age do not need to fulfill this condition. Age 65 + for men and age 60 + for women )
Now the last Step is to apply for your Red Russian Passport!

Step 3: Apply for Russian Red Passport

Note: To apply for Russian Citizenship, you must need to stay in Russia for at least 5 years. No foreigner can apply for Russian Citizenship, outside of Russia.

You can apply for Red Russian Passport after  6 months of getting Veed na czitelstvo. Govt issues red passport within 6 – 12 months of application.

Must Requirements to Apply for Russian Citizenship

Whatever naturalization method you choose to get Russian passport, you must fulfill the following requirements!

All the foreigners must fulfill the following requirements to apply for Russian citizenship:

  1. Speak Russian language.
  2. Have legal source of income and paid taxes.
  3. Applied to get no objection certificate from your home country embassy in Russia.
  4. Adopted the lawful behavior.
  5. Must be a temporary/permanent resident of Russia for at least 5 years.

Legal consultation > Documents Filling > Application to Russian Federal Migration Office > Residential Registrations 

With many years of our specialties in dealing with Russian Visas, business in Russia and travel to Russia. We have regularly handed the many different queries of from our clients.
RIBTTES feels a privilege to present most updated and authentic information with its clients.  Now we introduced a special cell of experts, to legally help our clients and for applying for Russian Passport!

We have the following privileged services for our clients!

  1. Legal consultation to apply for Russian Citizenship.
  2. Documents filling and help for the application of Russian Federal Migration Office.
  3. Complete help for residential registrations.

11th of January January 2017, Russian Government announced total TRP quota limit of 110,880 for all their regions. Citizens of more than 20 countries got TRP quota this year.

The most significant change was the procedure. This year they made process very easy and hassle free. Russian officials entertained every person in very professional way. They categories each country people and give all people different time slots according to their nationality, Like 11 a.m. to 12 p.m time slot was given to Pakistan and Afghanistan and Palestine people. If the person fulfill the procedure correctly and completed his documents, only then they accepted and forwarded his application to next processing.

The largest quota was 8000 TRPs for Moscow Region.On the other hand, the approved limit for saint Petersburg about 1500. The nationals of following countries got quota this year, India, Syria, China, Vietnam, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Palestine, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Israel, Columbia, Cuba, Serbia, Thailand, Montenegro, Chile, Peru, Pakistan, and others.

For more information about 2017 quota for TRP please visit this article

Issuance of Russian temporary residence permit  quota- year 2018

On 8th January 2018, Russian Government decided to issue quotas to foreigners wishing to receive temporary residence permits in Russia. (In Russian – this is called Razresheniye na Vremennoye Prozhivaniye or RVP)

As per the Decree of Government of Russian Federation №2581-р dated 22.11.2017, the authorities approved 90,360  TRP quotas to be issued in 2018.

This number is around 20% less than the last year.

Process of issuing these quotas in Saint-Petersburg was announced on the date on 08.01.2018 . This happened in official holidays of new year 2018. It was actually very strange thing that office of Federal Migration Services was working in holidays.

Citizens of European states, Northern and Southern America, India, Australia and Oceania, Israel, China, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Turkey could try to receive their quotes from 09:00 till 13:00.

Foreigners from Africa and the Eastern countries were invited since 14:00 till 16:00.

Unfortunately some mishandling happened due to fight among some Asian people. So, FMS officers closed the process for everyone. And due to this sad event, none of the foreigners from these countries got TRP quota. Even some countries like Nepal were not in the list this year.

Soon after 15:00, FMS declared the formal notice that 2018 quota issuance is finished.

Experts opinion on this 2018 TRP Quota Issuance:

It seems that this year Russian government didn’t want to issue much quotas due to the workload of upcoming FIFA world cup in Russia (Football). There will be millions of people in Russian cities. And FMS will remain very busy in managing those foreign tourists.

So in our opinion, this could be the possible reason that FMS did not issue so much quotas this time. And they intentionally announced the date of issuing quotas in official holidays of Russia.

We hope that next year, Russian Federation would open again to welcome more foreigners as temporary residents!

Waoooo ! our client who got TRP in Jan 2017 Quota

Mr. Ali Raza Adil who came on student visa in end of 2016 and he got TRP quota in 2017 with the help of RIBTTES and he just got his TRP on 17th of July 2017. Please open his testimonial to read more and see how his TRP look likes.

New  short stay Russian  Visa Policy

Russian Federation has made a very attractive change in the categories of  its ‘Ordinary visa’  application.

Our president Mr. Putin Vladimir signed a new law for Russian visa policy on  7th June 2017. This law is to add two more categories in the Russian Immigration Legislation .

This law will make the process easier for people who were born in Russian Federation or the citizens of old USSR countries and wish to obtain Russian Citizenship. This new law also benefits those foreign nationals who already applied for temporary residence or having approval of permanent resident permit of Russia and now they are out of Russia.

Two new visa categories are added in Russian visa types :

  • Short stay visa for temporary Resident permit (new addition)
    Short stay visa for applying citizenship of Russian federation (new addition)

Short Stay Visa for Temporary Resident Permit :

It is the general rule that all the applicants have to  be in Russia and appear personally in front of Federal Migration Services (FMS) to get their temporary residence permit of Russia.

If the visa validity of foreign applicant expires after processing his TRP application in FMS.  Then those foreign nationals had to go back to their home country. And they had to fly again on different visa categories, like student visa, tourist visa, business visa, private visa and work permit , as per their status for collecting  their Residential Permits from FMS.

But after this new law , now there is special visa category for these cases. Now such applicants will appear in front of the Russian embassy or consulate in their home country. And  they will show the documents of their temporary residence permit (TRP) approval . After that,  the Russian embassy/ consulate will give them short stay visa in this new category for up to four months. So they would easily come to Russia and get their TRP.

Short Stay Visa for applying citizenship of Russian Federation:

This is also a new addition in visa types by Russian government. The main purpose is to add this category of “citizenship visa” in ordinary visa.

This law is most beneficial for those foreigners who were born in Russia or they were the citizens of soviet union.  And now they live in the USSR countries or in the other part of world.

Now these applicants can easily appear in front of Russian embassy or consulate in their country of residence. They need to show them the documental proof that they were born in Russian Federation or their parents belonged to Russia or previously they had Russian citizenship.

Another condition applies these applicants should also speak and understand Russian language (visa officer can ask questions and demand related certificates ). So Russian embassy will issue them the short stay visa for applying citizenship of Russia, under this new category.

This visa  will be issued to a foreign citizen or stateless person for a period of  up to one year ( on multiple entry).

All Types of Russian Visa, according to New Immigration Laws

According to the new Russian immigration laws ,  the ordinary visa is now divided into following categories.

  • Private
    Asylum (new addition)
    Temporary Resident Permit (new addition)
    Permanent Residency Visa (new addition)

Now all foreigners can apply these above mentioned Russian visa types from their countries, based on their purpose of entry to Russian Federation.

We can provide you all required services from step one to last step!!